The general policies of Dominican School contained in the Student's Handbook shall facilitate collaboration between the home and the school. Compliance with the stated provisions. Parents are encouraged to confer with school authority to strengthen familial relationship.

The following shall serve as the guiding principles in the implementation of school policies:

  1. Dominican School reserves the right to admit, refuse or dismiss a pupil/student on the basis of academic performance, conduct and attendance;
  2. It shall act as second parents (in loco parent is) in matters pertaining to school concerns;
  3. As a Catholic institution, it requires all pupils/students to attend religion classes and participate in the school's religious activities;
  4. Students are required to have the needed complete set of textbooks/skill books, and other school materials to be inspected during the first week of classes. Used skill books, theme notebooks, compilations of book reports and experiments are automatically submitted at the end of the school year.
  5. Parents/Guardians or any authorized representative may visit the school for the following reasons:
       5.1 make appointment with school administrators/teachers;
       5.2 transact business in the treasurer's office/school bookstore;
       5.3 fetch students during class hours due to sickness or other emergency cases.

    6. No parents/guardians will be entertained by any teacher during class. Business transaction should be channeled  through the office or through a correspondence slip in the student's diary approved by the school authority.

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