Peer Facilitators are group of students who are trained in listening, communication and conflict resolution skills. They are educated about important topics that affect young people and are bound by confidentiality.


Facilitators must be respected and trusted by their peers to have credibility. The training of peer facilitators is specific, comprehensive, and thorough. Members enjoy the opportunity to practice their skills in communication, decision making, problem solving, conflict resolution and leadership.


This organization aims to help the students to enhance self-esteem and professional growth, develop personal responsibility, and increase mutual trust and cooperation and to promote positive peer influence.


Goals of the Organization


  • To conceptualize the responsibility and role of a peer counselor and value its importance.


  • To boost their listening and counseling skills towards a competent and effective peer counselor and link with others effectively.


  • To assist the guidance counselor in the promotion and implementation of programs and services.

  • To provide support, by listening, to students who are struggling with issues that are interrupting their daily lives.

  • To refer students with serious issues or concerns to adults who can further assist them.


  • To assist in the mediation of peer conflicts.

  • To provide support in the event of a school or community crisis situation.


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