IV. Duties and Responsibilities of Students
In accordance with the Education Act of 1982, students shall have the following duties and responsibilities, in addition to others provided for under existing laws:
- To exert their utmost concern in the development of their potentialities for service, particularly by undergoing an education suited to their abilities, in order that they may become assets to their abilities, in order that they may become assets to their families and society.
- To uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to achieve academic excellence, and to abide the school rules and regulations governing their academic responsibilities and moral integrity.
- To promote and remain and maintain peace and tranquility of the school by observing the school rule on discipline, and by exerting efforts towards the attainment of harmonious relationships with fellow students, faculty, and other school personnel.
- To participate in civic affairs and in the promotion of general welfare, particularly in social, economic, and cultural development of the community, toward the attainment of a just, compassionate and orderly society.
- To exercise their rights responsibly with the knowledge that they are answerable for any infringement or violation of the general welfare or the rights of others.