E. DepED Rules for Registration

Manual of Regulation for Private School Sec. 66,

1. Enrollment of Students in every private school shall be conducted during the registration days indicated on the approved calendar and the pertinent procedures of the school and subject to the following rules:

2. When a student registers in school, it is understood that he is enrolling for the entire school year from elementary and secondary courses.

3. Aside from the specified registration period, a pupil or student may enroll and be admitted in accordance with the reasonable rules of the school for late enrollment but which in no case shall exceed two weeks after the opening of classes.

4. After the two-week period, no further enrollment will be allowed, without prejudice however to subsequently transfer by an enrolled student from one school to another during the school year, provided the consent of both after the enrollment period are discouraged, especially in cases of students who are expected to graduate from a course of study during the school year.

5.No pupil or student will be officially enrolled unless he presents the proper school credential on or before the end of the enrollment period for the school.

6. A pupil or student, will be officially enrolled after he has submitted his appropriate admission or transfer credentials, has made an initial payment of his school fees which has been accepted by the school, and has been authorized to attend classes in the school term.

7. No foreign pupil or student shall be enrolled without prior approval of the Secretary of Education or his authorized representative.

8. For the purpose of enrollment, the name and other personal data on his birth certificate or alien certificate of registration, where applicable, shall prevail.


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